Translation: Welcome to Cardiff!
After having such a great time in Northern Wales, Glenn and I decided decided to take a trip down to the southern end of Wales to visit the capital: Cardiff.
Cardiff was once one of the riches cities in the world, having gained much of its wealth from from Welch coal as well as their extensive docks. It is a very pretty city- full of parks and has a very impressive castle.
The not so impressive part? The fact that you can’t see the castle behind the wall unless you pay to get in. We refused, and so all you get to see are the wall fortifications.
This is Isaac. We are really good friends with his parents (Luke and Austin) and we took this trip together. Luke is the only other American in the office with G.
Just for fun, I thought I’d include a little Welsh lesson. Welsh is one of the oldest spoken languages in Europe, and is in the same family as gaelic and irish.
(the following is copied from a welch website I found)
Instant Welsh lesson
WelshPronunciationEnglishCroesoKroysoWelcomeDiolchDeeolkThank YouIechud Da!Yekeed dahCheers!CenhinenKenheenenLeeksDefaidDeevideSheepMynyddMunnithMountainRygbiRugbyRugbyPêl-DroedPale DroidFootballTafarnTavaarnPubHwyl FawrHoil VaawrGood ByeBore DaBorer-DahGood MorningPrynhawn DaPrin-hown DahGood Afternoon
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