Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Couple Major Family Updates

I originally titled this blog "Our Joyful Wanderings" to depict our various travels throughout Europe, but over the years I'm learning that the title is really more indicative of the life that the Lord has led us in to. Over the past seven years Glenn and I have lived in Mississippi, Alabama, England, Louisiana, Nebraska and now we are about to add a new state to the list: Conneticut.  That's right: we are moving again! Though, truth be told, we actually have already moved, as I am currently in CT after having spent our first full day here. I suppose the most accurate statement is that we are in the process of moving: we have left NE, but are staying in an AirB&B room here in CT until we find a home. The whole process has been a bit of a whirlwind: we officially found out that we would be moving here 8 days ago. I'm planning on going into all the crazy details of what happened in another post (it's actually a pretty cool story), but to summarize, G was offered an awesome job with a company out here, and after 24 hrs of debate an prayer (he had another job offer from another company as well) we decided to take it! We honestly have no idea what to expect from this move. We know very little about the area, but I do know that God is abundantly faithful, so I'm just excited for what's to come! 

So why rush out to CT as soon as we got the job offer? Well- that's part 2 of our huge family update. I am pregnant! Quite pregnant, in fact. Pele (so nicknamed for it's uncanny kicking ability) is set to arrive some time in mid January. We are absolutely thrilled. When we found out that G had gotten this new job we realized that the sooner we got ourselves settled into a new place the better off we would be. So now we have about 10 weeks to find a new home, hospital, midwife, etc etc. I feel 100% at peace about it. Ok, maybe 97% at peace about it (we went house hunting today and didn't have the best of luck). I can only credit the whole thing to God. I know that the coming weeks are going to be a bit crazy, but with crazy also comes fun and adventure- and we all know I love a little bit of that in my life. Besides, we moved in the middle of my last pregnancy, so it's only fitting that we do so again with this one. 

As I said earlier, I'll be posting more details about the baby and move soon, but tonight I am just beyond exhausted. We drove for 2 days straight to get here and then spent all day looking for homes. I think I've earned a few hours of sleep! If you think of us, please pray that we find a new home soon!

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys! Nebraska will miss you terribly! You have been such a blessing to us! Happy Adventures to you, prayers are headed your way!
    The Hecht's
