As I sit in my little English home, thinking back on on my New Years Eve (in Spain), Christmas (in Belgium), and past year (in Alabama) two thoughts come to mind.
First, I am overwhelmingly thankful. Life is always full of ups and downs, but God has given me so many abundant blessings: a hunk of a hubbo, wonderful family, true friends, great health…the list could go on and on. Sure, there are days that I want to hit my head on a wall, but when my emotions are in check and I have everything in perspective I always realize that mine is a blessed life, so I’d best be grateful.
Second, life is full of surprises. Six months ago I never would have guessed I would be where I am right now. In fact, I distinctly remember crying on my couch this past August (no, bawling. Imagine your ugliest cry fest and then imagine that on steroids. I assure you, it was not my prettiest moment), pouring my heart out to my husband (bless his soul) about how I felt like we were stuck in a sinking pit that was slowly draining away all our God given dreams and desires. (If you haven’t figured it out by now, I can sometimes be a bit dramatic.)
Remember what I said earlier about perspective? Well I had gone beyond loosing it. I felt like I was drowning in disappointment. I wanted to see the world, experience new places, and get away from all the darned mosquitoes. Don’t get me wrong, we loved living in Mobile- we have amazing friends there that I truly cherish- but I just knew in my heart that we were supposed to move on to the next step (whatever that was) and didn’t see how that was going to happen.
It’s amazing what one phone call can bring. Less than a week later I had quit my job, was packing up my house and preparing to move overseas. We hadn’t even known that such a thing was even a possibility before we were told to go by G’s new company. I learned a big lesson that week. Make the most of today because tomorrow may change everything.
We’ve had a busy year. In 2010 Glenn and I set foot in 9 different countries and 18 US states (though we weren’t together for all of them). Our family has, thankfully, only grown this year- we’ve added a chunky little nephew. I’ve changed hair colors almost as many times as we’ve changed temporary homes. I started and finished one job while G learned what it means to actually love going to work. We’ve grown and laughed and cried and I only fell on my face once this year, which I count as a major improvement.
Do I have any resolutions for 2011? Definitely not. I haven’t a clue what this next year will bring. I have learned that the more flexible you are the more you can jump on the opportunities that come your way. So maybe I’ll try to work on that. And buy a new set of suitcases, cause mine are starting to wear out.
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