Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Our Little Fish

It doesn't take a deep read of this blog to know that I LOVE my nieces and nephew.  Quite possibly a little too much, if that is at all possible.  Which I don't believe it is. This summer the eldest, Allie, is on the swim team.  It's her first year in swimming, but she is loving it. It probably helps that she is a pretty amazing little swimmer.  That girl is focused, determined, and is always wanting to practice so that she can get just a little bit better.  To say that I'm impressed is an understatement.  Look out world, this little six year old is going places!

I love this next shot because it is so indicative of what life is like when grandparents live far away.  Here is the beauty of technology- Grandma can watch the whole race via FaceTime.

1 comment:

  1. That was awesome Brit!!! Thanks for posting this :)
