Monday, April 14, 2014

A Toy Story Party

My little guy just turned two.  I'm a big believer in theme parties, and this year I decided to make his a Toy Story theme.  This is because my son has a mild obsession with Buzz Lightyear and has seen Toy Story more times than I can count.  For the longest time we had precisely two movies downloaded on our iPad- Toy Story and Finding Nemo.  They were Devon's road trip treat, and the little guy would watch Toy Story over and over and over again for as long as the road trip would allow.  One leg of a 13 hour trip he watched Toy Story on repeat The.Entire.Time. That means that the hubby and I listened to Toy Story for 13 hours straight.  And as much as it made me feel like I was going a little crazy, I still laughed at most of the jokes.  Now that, my friends is a sign of a good movie…or of a slightly crazed mom who has spent too much time of the road.  Either way, the experience was the inspiration for celebrating two years of life.  

It was a great day.  Devon loved having so many friends and cousins around to play with and I always enjoy having a full home. Here are a few photos of the day:

 My mom found some Toy Story themed paper airline cut outs, so we held a contest to see who could throw theirs the furthest. 

The Party Details:

I thought it would be fun to make the kids some "Buzz wings" to run around in.  They were so easy and literally cost me nothing to make (I had all the supplies on hand- cardboard, string, computer paper, and colored duct tape).  I figured that the kids would wear them for about five minutes and then be done with them, but they ended up being a huge hit.  First the kids colored in their wings when they arrived, and then they all wore them for the rest of the party.  It's been a week since the party and D still loves to wear his wings and pretend to fly to the moon.  

These green aliens were, by far, my favorite thing I made for the party though.  

"Barbie's prop closet" was where we kept an assortment of Toy Story inspired dress up stuff.  Because what's a party if you don't get to dress a little silly?

The kiddos with their wings


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