Saturday, February 2, 2013

An unexpected kiss

While at the zoo in Albuquerque we were able to get a little up close and personal with one of the giraffes.  

A little too personal, perhaps.


I think that in the summertime the zoo keepers allow people to feed the giraffes, but we were there on a cold day in December, which meant that not only were there no zoo keepers around to chaperone, but that the little guys were a bit starved for attention. 


This guy came straight over to us and just demanded a little love.  And when your 25 feet tall and growing you tend to get what you want.  




So we pet him, and scratched his nose and ears.  We oooed and ahhed and just when I was about to whisper a little sweet nothing in his ear the dude got a liiiiittle fresh on me.  

That’s right.  He kissed me. 

Thankfully he missed my lips (those are for my luvah alone), but my neck and chin got QUITE the bath. It was quite exciting and gave me flashbacks to the day that a monkey jumped on my head.  Remember that? Anyway, I kinda feel like I need to start a bucket list for strange animal activity.  My next goal is to high five an elephant.  I’ll settle for petting some kind of large cat.  Like a cheetah or tiger or something. (Let’s be honest here, if I ever got to pet a tiger I would NEVER consider it settling) I have chased a lion once- but that is a whole different story.



An awkward little fact about me: when I was in 10th grade I hung out with a group of kids from my youth group.  We thought we were outrageously cool because we called ourselves the Giraffes.  I’m pretty sure our parents made fun of us behind our backs.  Rightly so.  



"Hey! Something in here tastes like chicken!"


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