Monday, September 3, 2012

A return to the blogosphere

Well, it’s been a while.  Nine months, to be exact.  And a lot has changed in these past nine months. I could rattle on about it, but I’ll try to be brief:

We moved.

After our year in the UK came to a close, we packed our bags and headed for the States.  After a period of time bouncing about, G’s company offered him a position managing an office in Houma, Louisiana.  

It’s a little different from Leamington.  

To begin with, there are alligators around here, and swamp people, and
in our apartment complex you actually hear people speaking Cajun.

Last Thanksgiving, less than a week after we moved in, my parents and
granny came and visited. We went on a swamp tour. I grabbed the tail
of a 15 ft alligator. I touched a nutra, which, if you don’t know, is
a rat. A huge, ugly rat with orange-no joke- teeth.

So, like I said, it’s a bit different here.

We got our dog back. He went blind while we were in the UK,  but somehow that
’s made him even more fun than he was before.  It took us a few days to adjust at first, but having a blind dog isn’t as hard as you might think. It helps that he’s still as happy as can be, and he has a very hard head.

Third, we had a baby.

A baby! A brand new, living, breathing soul has entered this world and
I am so proud to be a part of it.

Motherhood has Rocked-My-World. But I love it.  Sure, I’ve lost a lot of sleep and have developed an uncanny interest in baby body functions, but I’ve also discovered that there is nothing more fufilling than making that boy smile.

So, there you have it. Our three big life changes. I’ll elaborate on
them more later, but that’s the main gist for now. 


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