Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I would say that, thus far, Oxford is my second favorite location in England (the Lakes District taking first and Bath running in at third). It is a beautiful city and the university is unbelievably impressive. Unlike most schools, Oxford does not have one main campus. Instead it is divided up into what they call colleges (36 to be exact). Each college is then given its own name, some of the most notable being: Christ Church, Queens College, and Magdalen College. If you were able to look at the skyline of the city you would see spire after spire reaching heavenwards. It is romantic, but more than that, it’s inspiring.

The tour through Magdalen College was the highlight of the trip for me. It was here that C.S. Lewis used to teach, and here that he and J.R.R. Tolkien walked and talked about faith, God, and places like Narnia and Middle Earth. These two authors have shaped my christian walk more than any other (not counting Peter, Paul, and the handful of others inspired by God write down His words). I never would have thought that walking where they did would mean so much to me- but being there and seeing the places I’ve read about over and over again- it was really cool. 

Being at Oxford made me wish that I was a brilliant scholar or artist. You just feel smarter walking around the school, I think it has something to do with the beautiful stone work and arches, they are just so….academic. Then there are the gargoyles who frown down upon you asking why you aren’t writing a groundbreaking thesis paper or translating textbooks into Russian (and others who grin mockingly because they know you’re a procrastinator).

It is difficult to describe what the Colleges are like, as each is different from the other.  But the easiest way is to picture a simpler version of Hogwarts- the school from the Harry Potter franchise.  It has the same archways, the same grassy squares and even the dining halls look similar.  In fact, several scenes from the Harry Potter movies were filmed at Christ Church. Here are a few photos to help you envision it.  

Below is a photo of the Magdalen College dining hall.  Apparently the one in Christ Church is three times the size and more ornate, but STILL.  Pretty amazing, eh? It looks like a library. I wonder if it is invigorating or exhausting to be reminded- even when grabbing lunch- that you’re a smartypants.


the photo below is of Glenn and I at Magdalen College.  It was in this exact spot that Lewis had a pivotal conversation with Tolkien that lead to his conversion.  We read about it on our way home that night in a book called “Yours, Jack"- a compilation of Lewis’ letters.

I have been told that Cambridge is just as, if not more, impressive than Oxford.  I am looking forward to comparing the two.  All in all though, our day in Oxford was great, and I highly recommend stopping by the town if you come to the region.


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