Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Couple Major Family Updates

I originally titled this blog "Our Joyful Wanderings" to depict our various travels throughout Europe, but over the years I'm learning that the title is really more indicative of the life that the Lord has led us in to. Over the past seven years Glenn and I have lived in Mississippi, Alabama, England, Louisiana, Nebraska and now we are about to add a new state to the list: Conneticut.  That's right: we are moving again! Though, truth be told, we actually have already moved, as I am currently in CT after having spent our first full day here. I suppose the most accurate statement is that we are in the process of moving: we have left NE, but are staying in an AirB&B room here in CT until we find a home. The whole process has been a bit of a whirlwind: we officially found out that we would be moving here 8 days ago. I'm planning on going into all the crazy details of what happened in another post (it's actually a pretty cool story), but to summarize, G was offered an awesome job with a company out here, and after 24 hrs of debate an prayer (he had another job offer from another company as well) we decided to take it! We honestly have no idea what to expect from this move. We know very little about the area, but I do know that God is abundantly faithful, so I'm just excited for what's to come! 

So why rush out to CT as soon as we got the job offer? Well- that's part 2 of our huge family update. I am pregnant! Quite pregnant, in fact. Pele (so nicknamed for it's uncanny kicking ability) is set to arrive some time in mid January. We are absolutely thrilled. When we found out that G had gotten this new job we realized that the sooner we got ourselves settled into a new place the better off we would be. So now we have about 10 weeks to find a new home, hospital, midwife, etc etc. I feel 100% at peace about it. Ok, maybe 97% at peace about it (we went house hunting today and didn't have the best of luck). I can only credit the whole thing to God. I know that the coming weeks are going to be a bit crazy, but with crazy also comes fun and adventure- and we all know I love a little bit of that in my life. Besides, we moved in the middle of my last pregnancy, so it's only fitting that we do so again with this one. 

As I said earlier, I'll be posting more details about the baby and move soon, but tonight I am just beyond exhausted. We drove for 2 days straight to get here and then spent all day looking for homes. I think I've earned a few hours of sleep! If you think of us, please pray that we find a new home soon!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sometimes I just love little reminders that this child is, indeed, half mine: 

This week has been a bit crazy. We've been out of the house every day, nap times have been severly delayed, our regular routine off. It's been fun, of course, but both myself and the little guy have felt the effects of it. He's been acting out. I've been cracking down. We've both thrown a couple fits. It's nothing major, of course, but sometimes I almost think that can be harder. 

All this to say that upon waking this morning I was already tired. I just wanted to lounge in my bed. I waited for the sounds of my son waking up and, sure enough, began hearing him. But instead of the patter of his little feet coming to get me, he stayed in bed. For almost an hour that sweet child hung out in the dark- playing with his flashlight, imagining stories. He hung out in his bed, I hung out in mine. When he finally got up I came over to play with him and he says, "Alone time please!" So now it is almost 11am. He's regrouped. I've regrouped. We've both had some much needed "me" time. It is striking to me that we both hit our limits at the same time. We received refreshing in the same way. And now, as he gives me side looks and begins creeping closer towards me, I get a smile that looks remarkably like my own and see an expression that is exactly like the one on my face. He is my son after all. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

For the Love of an Airplane

My dad used to be a pilot.  I say "used to be" rather tentatively, because I am unsure if anyone ever ceases to be a pilot even after their license's expire.  It seems to be some kind of infection that gets into your bloodstream and that you can never fully shake.  I wouldn't really know, not being a pilot myself.  Dad got his pilot's license on the day he turned 16.  Two years later he was shipping off to Vietnam and learning how to fly helicopters (or, as he likes to call them, REAL airplanes).  He earned the Distinguished Flying Cross over there, a fact he neglected to tell any of his family until I was in college.      When he came back to the States he flew in the Guard for awhile until he eventually went back to full time service in the Army.  That may have been the end of his flying career, but anyone who knows my dad can tell you that he is a man of few loves: he loves his Lord, his family, Nebraska football, and airplanes.  Growing up, dad's goal was to ingrain those passions into us as well.  Apparently my brother was more susceptible than I: he's an Air Force pilot, father three, foster dad, amazing husband, loves the Lord, all around great guy but a terror to be around whenever the Cornhuskers loose a football game.  

My father didn't fail completely with me.  I love Jesus.  My son saw a red painted wall yesterday and said "Mama! Go Big Red! Football?" I really enjoy flying inside of an airplane.  Also, I love me a good air show.  

We (obviously) grew up going to air shows.  Dad knew every airplane and every statistic about each one.  We'd sit in cockpits, walk the flight line, overheat watching every last flight show.  We loved it. There's nothing quite like a F-18 or B-2 flyby.  

We took Devon to his very first air show a couple weeks ago.  I kind of feel like it's my duty to teach my son about Popsie's four loves. I probably shouldn't be surprised by Devon's reaction to the air show: 
he hasn't stopped playing with airplanes since.  I wonder what we've started.  

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"Doin' Corn" the old fashioned way

While at the tractor show my little guy had a chance to de-kernel some corn the old fashioned way.  Funny thing is- my dad remembers using a machine like this when he wasn't that much older than Devon.  

The Old Farmer

Nebraska.  Most think of it as merely a "fly over state," if they think of it at all.  They conjure up images of cornfields and farmers and…well, not much else.  In the past twelve months of living here I learned about Nebraska's secret side- the unique architecture, surprisingly great restaurants, and unbelievably warm people.  I also think it is pretty darn convenient that it only takes me less than 15 minutes to get anywhere in Lincoln. Nebraska's reputation is not unearned though.  There are a LOT of cornfields.  And the farmers are certainly something to behold- well, at least the older ones are.  

I recently had a chance to go to a tractor show outside of Lincoln, and of course jumped at the opportunity to sneak photos of a few of the characters that were a part of the day's activities. I hope you love looking at their faces as much as I do.   


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Introducing Cohen

About two weeks ago my friend Heidi FINALLY gave birth to her little baby boy.  This is baby #2 for her- her older boy, Jackson, is Devon's best bud.  Those two kids are hilarious together, so I'm pretty excited for a third boy to be added to the mix- even if it'll be a while before he can join in the fray.  

This is Cohen Michael. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

My dirty kid.

                                                   Sticky fingers,
dirty face,

Rugs and pillows
out of place,

Cars and tractors
here and there,

Blocks and boats

Gold and silver
have I none,

                                                But worth a million
                                         is my Son.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Miss Nora

I just realized that I forgot to post photos of the weekend that my friend, Kate, came to visit.  We had less than two days together, but any time is worth it!  Kate is one of the dearest people in my life and her little daughter, Nora, has the sweetest spirit (just like her momma).  

Devon just ADORED that little girl and they were just too cute together!