Tuesday, July 9, 2013

After a week and a half enjoying Charleston, we loaded up four kids, three adults, and two dogs for a loooong one day road trip to Chicago. It may sound a little crazy, but with that many kiddos and animals it really is the best way. So for 17 hours we drove. And drove and drove and drove. We stopped for lunch and dinner and that’s about it. It was actually a pretty pleasant drive, thanks to the beauty of Disney movies and calming oils (which I might have accidentally" overdosed the babies on).

G was the one who complained the most- but I probably would too if I had an anxious, bad breathed, whining dog making complaints into my ear about the winding mountainous roads.

We finally rolled into Chicago around 1:30 in the morning, where we split up for the next week. Linds had another two hours to drive north to see her family and we stayed in the area for a couple days before driving another 8 hours to my parents home in Nebraska. We officially made it to the Midwest!


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