Sunday, July 21, 2013

I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me, but now I’m more afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter

Bob Goff

Thursday, July 18, 2013

All because two people fell in love...

…and then decided to pump out nine children…
…and those children made a bunch more children…
…and those children made even more children…
…and those children are way too good looking, so they are probably gonna make a few more children of their own some day…

…and then the Becks will rule the world.


This summer over a hundred of my aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, etc all got together for a reunion.  It is something that we have been doing every five years for as long as I can remember. 

 To date, there are about 185 of us total (alive)- This starts from my dad’s eight siblings and extends through their respective families.   Apparently we’re good breeders.  

We all tend to like each other too- which is pretty amazing.  I don’t know of a lot of families out there who have no history of big feuds and who just enjoy each others company.  I am so thankful to be a part of such a group and that my children will be a part of a family whose greatest legacy is our choice to love one another and to highly value our family.   

At our last family reunion we had a baby dedication.  There were two babies that got dedicated that time- five years later we had 12.  You thought I was kidding about that world domination thing, but we are well on our way!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Well, I guess if your kid has to be naked outside for a while, it’s nice that he has found a way to strategically cover up all those “bits and bobs"

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

After a week and a half enjoying Charleston, we loaded up four kids, three adults, and two dogs for a loooong one day road trip to Chicago. It may sound a little crazy, but with that many kiddos and animals it really is the best way. So for 17 hours we drove. And drove and drove and drove. We stopped for lunch and dinner and that’s about it. It was actually a pretty pleasant drive, thanks to the beauty of Disney movies and calming oils (which I might have accidentally" overdosed the babies on).

G was the one who complained the most- but I probably would too if I had an anxious, bad breathed, whining dog making complaints into my ear about the winding mountainous roads.

We finally rolled into Chicago around 1:30 in the morning, where we split up for the next week. Linds had another two hours to drive north to see her family and we stayed in the area for a couple days before driving another 8 hours to my parents home in Nebraska. We officially made it to the Midwest!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Sometimes, when faced with the option of getting really skinny or eating cheesecake,

I choose the cheesecake.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

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Can’t tell if I’m proud that he taught himself how to kazoo or if I want to poke myself in the eye knowing how many hours he’s gonna want to do this in the car.

Every now and then, when you begin to dwell on the worries of the world, and stress like cobwebs find its way into your soul, it helps to 

look up.

Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: rejoice!

Phil 4:4

                              I smile because I am your Aunt…

             …I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it

Friday, July 5, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


As fun as it is to hold newborns and have long, drawn out talks with one of your best friends, eventually the time comes to move on to the next thing.  Our plan was to drive back down to my brother’s house, but along the way we made two quick stops in southern Virginia.  

First we had dinner with a great college buddy and his wife in Norfolk.  Corey and Glenn were roommates in college and the first couple years out of school.  G and I were dating during part of that time, so Corey and I spent a lot of time together.  It was really great to see him and (finally!) meet his wife.  

Our second stop took us to Virginia Beach so that we could see one of my closest high school friends. Nikki’s little boy is about six months younger than mine, and it was so fun having the two of them together.  

Trips like these two are part of the reason why wanted to embark on such a long road trip. It has been a huge blessing being able to reconnect with old friends- people who we love, people who have helped shape who we are today, but because of time and distance they are people that we rarely see.  Getting to be with them again, even for just a few hours, was really awesome.    

Monday, July 1, 2013

I’m pretty lucky so have such strong men around to carry my bags for me!

Miss Lillian

Ashley had her baby while I was in Colorado.

I was pretty convinced that it was going to be a girl.  It was mainly because I knew that she was in pretty desperate need of a little more estrogen in that household…and we all know the Lord provides for our needs.

Turns out God felt the same way.  On May 23rd this beautiful lady entered the world. She did so in style- the little peanut was born a mere 13 minutes after mom arrived at the birthing center.  Some girls just love to make an entrance.

My prediction? This girl is gonna live in a sea of bows and feathers and glitter.  And if she turns out to be a tomboy I’m pretty sure she’ll just wake up to find her sneakers and cameo t shirts bedazzled to perfection.  One way or the other, girlfriend’s gonna sparkle! It’ll be awesome.

One thing is for sure- between her parents, adorable little brother, extended family and ME- this Miss Lilly is going to be very, very very well loved.