Well, we did it! We officially, and FINALLY moved into our new home. and I love it. We had only seen it once before the official move in date, and during that time the whole place was being renovated and looked like a total wreck. We kinda took a leap of faith and trusted that they would do a good job, and they did! Over the past two days we’ve been buying sheets, towels, plates, pots, pretty much everything you really need to live. Thankfully Converteam is reimbursing us for all of it! (Cheers to Converteam)
I loaded some photos onto my facebook account. If you would like to see them follow this link:
I don’t think that you need to have a facebook account to view the photos, but if you have any problems just let me know.
Everything looks really bare in the photos because we hadn’t moved anything in yet. I’ll post more once we’re settled in a little bit more. I am trying to keep the decorating down to a minimum though. I don’t want to spend a lot of money on stuff that we’re just going to resell or give away.
I am extremely grateful for a home. It is great to have real chairs to sit on and our own kitchen. Mostly though it is amazing to just have some SPACE! And closets to hang clothes in! Do I sound like a grown up or what? Who cares, I’m finally back in my own home!
I have experienced a few minor hiccups with the place. The most noteable one being our washer/dryer. That’s right, it is both a washer and a dryer and it nearly got the best of me today. I sat down this morning to do some much needed laundry (the piles were getting embarrassingly large) and quickly realized that this was a machine like I’ve never seen before. I seriously had to read the manual 3 times to feel like I something of an idea of how it works. There are at least 20 washing options, not to mention the washer/dryer options, or the only dryer options. Then there are more buttons that change the settings in ways I have yet to understand. At first I thought that I was the only dummy but then Glenn (the engineer with endless patience who can fix anything) came home and tried to figure it out. He is still grumbling about the stupid thing. I think he likes it less than I do. Needless to say, it’s a silly piece of machinery and I doubt that the designers even know how to really operate it themselves. The first two loads took about 10 hours to finish- no joke. On the most normal setting I can find the machine take 5 HOURS to get the job done. It takes an hour just to finish rinsing and spinning the clothes (not exaggerating). This is probably because it does it about eight times. My conclusion? The thing has a nasty case of OCD. There can be no other option.