After a month and a half of rushing to be prepared to leave the States we have finally made it! We are, for now, living in Rugby, a town in the center of England. It is very close to Stratford-Upon-Avon (Shakespeare’s birthplace) and Nottingham (where a certain man named Robin enjoyed terrorizing the local sheriff). The town itself is pretty nice, there are a lot of fun restaurants and pubs everywhere. The city center is exactly what you imagine European towns to look like- cobblestones, Victorian buildings squished into each other, old churches, and, of course, the clock tower (is it mandatory for every European town have one?).
Our hotel is simple but nice. The bed is a bit small, Glenn’s feet hang off the end, but they give us free tea, coffee, and “biscuits” every day so I won’t complain. Add a little chocolate and I might consider putting off apartment hunting!
We have several major tasks to complete in order to really get settled. First, find an apartment. We will either live here in Rugby or in Leamington, another local town. Second and third are getting a UK credit card and then a cell phone (American style credit cards are apparently outdated). Finally, we have to buy an umbrella. Considering the weather forecast I might want to move that to priority #1.
The crazy thing about being new to a country is that you literally know nothing about what is going on around you. Don’t let the familiar language fool you- England is a foreign country. They drive on the other side of the road, have funny tasting eggs, believe that “swipe” credit cards are from ancient times, and, by in large, are a little suspicious about these two Yanks. We are learning what road signs mean, new slang terms (apparently “cheers" is a universal term. It means hello, goodbye, thanks, your shoelace is untied…pretty much whatever you’d like it to), and what the names of various shops are. I wonder how long it will take before everything starts feeling normal. I’ve been trying to explore as much as possible while Glenn is working. It’s been a lot of fun discovering what this town is all about.
All in all, we’ve had a great first couple of days. This weekend we plan on traveling- we have so many places we want to see, the hardest part is deciding what to do first! Let us know if you have any suggestions!

Here’s a shot of our hotel.

The clock tower in town